Sunday 27 March 2022

Ass base

 The heraldic ass head will sit on a base on a pole.

The coves on this were made, first making a depth cut with a saw, then a gouge to take out the bulk and then moulding planes to finish.

I was surprised how well they worked on the end grain of the oak.

I used my rebate plane to clean off the sloping shoulder of the top. This will shed rain away from the bottom of the ass. It also formed the undercut for the twisted rope that sits on top of it.

 The pole has been cut. I just need to join them all together now.

Wednesday 23 March 2022

New front door for 17th century building

New, oak, stable, front door for. Re-using the bullseye from the old door, which had seen better days. With vent to allow air for the woodburner.


Bracing the top leaf, while making room for the bullseye, calls for invention; a two part brace.

Or maybe three part; half a brace, bullseye frame, half a brace.

Tuesday 15 March 2022

Heraldic Ass on a Pole

Heraldic Ass. Ragged with three pronged crown ducally gorged. This carving is to be placed on a pole at the new tudor knot garden at Old Hall near Norfolk. In the manner of Hampton Court Palace.

 Old Hall was built by the knight, Sir Edward Chamberleyne between 1510 and 1540.

The Chamberleyne crest has an ass at the top.

The ass head will go on a pole at the centre of the new garden.

The garden takes inspiration from the courtyard at Hampton.