Sunday 10 July 2022

Arcading for the back stiles.


Today has involved cutting the frame for the back wall of the livery cupboard, and carving the arcading. There are four of these, two on each stile, one for each level of the cupboard. The carving is pretty much all that will be seen of the stiles, so any tearout on this one will be hidden by the drawer and drawer sides on the mid-level. 

The top rail will be inside the cupboard, and the bottom and middle will be completely hidden from view by the middle and bottom shelf. It was common on joined furniture of this period (i.e. Tudor and 17th century) for unseen surfaces to be left rough; all visible surfaces get the best treatment, and the rest can whistle for their supper!

We were up in Dorset this week, surveying a muntin screen and related ceiling framing, with a view to restoring both.

While there, a visit to a few local houses, revealed a few little treasures.

Ooops, someone has cut through the rails, stiles and muntin to make the front of this 4 panel chest into a cupboard with doors. Tsk tsk!

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